Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Funday

Being a short two hour drive home, I decided to surprise my Mom on her special day this year and come home for Saturday night and Sunday, Mother's Day. 

It is so crazy to think how much I have changed/grown up. 

Four years ago I wanted nothing more than to get away from my family.

How stupid. 

Cherish your family. 
Cherish your friends. 
Cherish your time together. 

They really are the people that will be there for life. 
Soon there won't be as much time together as you thought.
Time flies, you gotta catch it and hold on!

Now I actually have FUN hanging out with my mom & dad and WANT to be with them...

Crazy right??

Maybe that's what they call maturity.

Saturday night was of course Salsa's Mexican night.

Since I have flown the coop and my parents are now all on their own, they are regulars at this place. 

It's actually out of control. 

You think I'm kidding...

They went to a waiter's wedding. Took him to a baseball game. 

Yep, not kidding.

We kept the night going at our little grocery store with a WINE BAR.

I would always want to go grocery shopping if these were everywhere... 
Seriously how awesome. 

I want some now. 

Sunday Morning: 
I had made reservations for a Mother's Day brunch, but my mom wanted to try out her new blueberry/lemon pancake mix.

And I was not about to stop her.

Then we went and played some tennis on the gorgeous sunny day!

I love having an athletic mother!

(She's the tennis coach at her high school)

For dinner, we went to Panera 

My fave.

And ended the day with some wonderful froyo.

This is kind of a diary post.

I guess I just felt the need to express how much my mom means to me and how much I'm thankful for her and the time we have together. 

She is the best person I know and want nothing more than to be half the mother she is.
(que the hurling noises...)

Love you mom :)


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