Sunday, January 4, 2015

Full Speed Ahead - 2015

As you should assume, one of my 2015 resolutions is to get back on this blog of mine and start committing to something other than refreshing my Instagram feed 6 times in a row.
We've all been there.

This is the first year I have made some resolutions and realized wow what an idiot I was.. 
Previous years of being that person "I don't make resolutions I always have my goals year round.."
Guess I grew up.
YES that is important (year-round-goals) but do you really set them? 
Who was I trying to impress?
I realized it's more important to set those big goals, make high standards! Because what better time than January 1st?? The first day of a whole new year! They go so damn fast now-a-days I better get my aspirations in when I can.

So here it is. January 2015. What a year ahead. 

2015 is my year. 
Now I'm "that person," but yes, it's true.

Aside from blogging more 
once every two weeks 
(exact goals - thanks English 301),

My 2015 Goals 

1. 20 minutes of yoga before work or before I go to bed. Starting small and working my way up to 30 minutes then 60. Finding awesome yoga sequences on YouTube for free! 

2. Drinking at least 1 cup of tea a day. Also that H2O stuff. Need to start guzzling some more down.

3. Running 10 miles once a week (yes I'm crazy).

4. Making an effort to hang out with my friends!! I will be moving in six short months and who knows where life will take us all and if we will ever be together again
sad but true :(

So far 2015 has been great! 

(I say 3 days in and tomorrow is the first day back to work)

But seriously - I have 6 months to be on top of my game until my WEDDING DAY in a strapless, very slim fitting wedding dress. Follow my getting-wedding-ready posts here lol.

Green smoothies, salads, and veggie soups are/will be my friend.
98.9% of my 2015 will probably be looking like this: 

But I love it! I genuinely love feeling healthy and in shape. 
It's my drug. 
Good addition right?

I am so proud of my mom jumping on the bandwagon too! 
Starting to get interested in exercise and food 
(don't fight the diet mother)
I got her a FitBit :)

My workout weekend consisted of:

-Weight training (legs)
-20 minute ab workout (killer)
-30 minute elliptical 

-20 minute elliptical (waiting for cycle class to start)
-60 minute RPM (Les Mills Cycle Class)
-30 minute CXWORX (Les Mills Ab Class)
-20 minute YouTube yoga video before bed

On a weekly basis, I teach Barre on Mondays/Wednesdays at 5:30 pm
and Cycle on Fridays at 6:00 am

I will be adding in my other workouts of weight training, cardio, and yoga around those :)

Happy and Healthy 2015! 
Hope you have started off successful and set their goals for the future!!

If you haven't, it's never too late ;)

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