Monday, February 25, 2013


So I've found the answer to the question you've all been wondering: 
What is even worse than getting sick?
(minus death of course)

And I've figured out the answer is: 
Getting sick without your mother to take care of you!!!! 

Bad News Bears. :(

Now don't get me wrong, this is the third year I have moved out (in college) and no longer living at home. Being strong, motivated, independent (ha) 20 year old young adult I am, I would say I am pretty capable of handling and overcoming a little sniffle or cough. 
BUT for some reason, I got sick this week the busiest week of my life and missing mama hit hard. The whole time I wanted nothing more than to be home and being pampered with constant drinks, soups, and back rubs being handed out left and right. All I wanted was to wake up to mama bringing me a big bowl of Chicken Noodle O's to me in bed. 

All sickness aside, I somehow survived without mother dearest, so I guess there is hope for humanity right? 20  year olds being able to take care of themselves when they catch a cold haha I'm a baby..

I didn't have Chicken Noodle O's unfortunately, but I made this bangin' homemade chicken soup:

Chicken Quinoa and Kale
Being the foodie I am I used my amazing crock pot (best invention ever) and added:
  • 2 cups vegetable broth
  • 4+ cups kale (filled the crock pot)
  • 1/2 chopped red onion
  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa 
  • 1 frozen chicken breast (at the top)
  • Herbs/spices/whatever was in my spice cabinet
Turned that baby on low for about 4-5 hours and waited for the amazing immune boosting soup to be cooked. Once the chicken breast was cooked I took it out and shredded it with a fork and put the meat back in. 

I would definitely recommend this soup for those that are sick (with no noodle O's) and everyone else! It was really good and my boyfriend and roommate loved it too :) WIN

Other meals (for breakfast) this weekend included: 

scrambled eggs with cheddar, avocado and tomato on toast, and an orange for

ohmygerdddddd so good

And thankfully, I'm feeling better! Hopefully I'll be 110% by the end of the week! 
Good luck to all those catching that dreadful winter bug and remember: 
you will get better, mama or not! (preferably with mama) ;D

Monday, February 18, 2013

Don't Disappear!

I apologize for my recent absence; I can't believe how busy I am! This spring semester I thought would be a walk in the park (with no Monday or Friday classes) but BOY was I 100% wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I knew I would have a full schedule with my Internship on Monday and Friday, two night classes Tuesday and Wednesday (got stuck with the last open classes EW) and teaching spinning and boot camp/ab attack twice a week. However, I was nominated for the Student Advisory Board representing the fitness and wellness program for my school, chosen for the Marketing "street" Team for the fitness and wellness program, and joined the Investment Club!

Just kidding.. but really. 

A few simple rules I try to follow when I am out of my mind thinking "what have I gotten myself into" crazy jam packed are:

1. Write everything down. Absolutely everything. Without my planner, I would not be alive. Down to the minutes, I have that s*** planned out.

2. Take it day by day, step by step. It really feels amazing once everything is completed, and yes it does come! A time where you will have nothing to do (for at least a minute HA). If you just focus on one thing at a time, and get through that hour, eventually it will be over and completed! My mom taught me just to break it down and complete what you need to do in increments.

3. BREATHE. I know we all forget this sometimes, but really take time to focus on relaxing yourself. Whatever your remedy may be; going on a run, yoga, deep breathing, taking a bubble bath, or enjoying that glass of wine, really I mean reallyyy take advantage of that little time you have to yourself to bring everything back together and flush the stress out of your system. Ahhhh....


Now that everyone is calm and collected, let me remind you it is Monday. Just what you wanted to hear, I know, and I have to get to work.  I am wishing you all the best of luck with this week. One step at a time!

Remember- you will get through it! :) 

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