Tuesday, June 3, 2014


So I recently graduated from college

At first I totally thought this is just something everyone does and has to do at some point in their life. 
No big deal.

A week later, it may be setting in a little.. 

Real life is happening. 
And it's happening NOW. 

What better time, right?
Am I ready?
What next?

All these questions and loose ends are so exciting! 
What other time in your life do you get to go anywhere you want, with endless possibility, without any type of structure you've had leading up to this moment?! 

I decided you can either run and hide from it or get after whatever you want to be doing and make a difference in the world! 

"Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who actually do." 
-Steve Jobs 

It really is something great, so CONGRATS to all my fellow 2014 graduates :)
WE DID IT! as Elle Woods would say ;)

Ideas for future graduate portraits: 

Love these girls :)

Photography by: Caitlin Kellagher at http://www.cjkvisuals.com

On graduation day!!!

Ryan was able to come from San Diego :) :)

My mom and her GIRAFFE SHIRT 
And yes my thats a giraffe on my cap



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